SSH du command

If you wish to track the Disk Usage of your Linux Dedicated Server or VPS – the SSH du command is quite useful and very fast. In this article, we will show you the most important usage of the SSH du command. It is extremely handy if you have a lot of people uploading content to your machine or if you have daily backups scheduled. Use this SSH command to check the disk usage of your Linux machine in seconds.

Using SSH du command to view how full is your server

This will display the size of all files down the current working directory


The above one will show output in Kilobytes, we are more used to seeing Mbs and Gbs, for this we’ll use the -h option

du -h

Using SSH du command to view all files’ Disk Usage

du -ah

A similar way to go is to use

du -sh ./*

Using Linux du command to view files in the n nested directories below

du -ah --max-depth=1
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