How to list the account Files and Directories with SSH?

Naturally, at some point you would need to get information about what is stored on your account. The most common command to list all of your account Files and Directories is:


The ls command writes to standard output without any additional formatting nor information.

Of course you can add additional options to it in order to make your files and directories listing more accurate to your needs.

Here are some of the most popular

ls -a 

The -a will list all of the files and folders including the hidden ones. In short -a stands for -all.

ls -l 

Lists all files and folders and includes a column to show information like permissions, last modified, owner and group.  In short -l stands for -long.

ls -R

This option will list your files, folders and subfolders recursively. In short -R stands for -Recursive.

ls -t

This option lists files and folders starting with the last modified.

Moreover you can make different combinations to make the listing more structured and even more accurate. for example:

ls -la  – Lists all files and folders (including hidden ones) with additional information.

ls -hl  – Lists all files and folder in human readable format which -h standards for.

For detailed information and all options you can use  ls –help. The Linux help is quite a handy manual with detailed information on how to use different commands and it is accessed by typing in the terminal command –help (ls –help)  or man command (man ls).

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